Sunday, March 11, 2012

What Causes Low Platelets? - 3 Causes for Low Blood Platelets

What causes low platelets? Most likely you have had a blood test and been told that this is a problem. Platelets are formed in the bone marrow along with other types of blood cells. These single ones are responsible for the clotting of blood. If the whole of platelets in your bloodstream drops too low, then your blood won't clot properly and there are some connected risks, such as bleeding from the nose or gums. In serious cases it can cause internal bleeding. Here are 3 of the most tasteless reasons as to what causes low platelets.


What Is Leukemia

Certain conditions and illnesses can influence the bone marrow where platelets are produced, and so impair the output of them. Conditions such as mumps, rubella, hepatitis C, chicken pox and Hiv are all likely candidates

Destruction of the cells

Sometimes the body itself can cause these clotting cells to be destroyed at too high a rate. This will then corollary in a lowered whole in the blood stream.

Enlargement of the spleen

Conditions which cause the spleen to develop such as cirrhosis of the liver or obvious types of leukemia can cause a lowering of the whole in the blood stream

The healing name for this health is thrombocytopenia. The lifespan of one of these platelets is only about 7-10 days, after which they are taken to the spleen for destruction and then urination from the body. It is pretty rare for the count to fall so low as to cause internal bleeding, the health will usually be caught by your physician way before it gets to that stage. If you have been diagnosed with this, then your physician will take a plan of activity to rectify the problem, and will be the best someone to suggest you on what causes low platelets.

What Causes Low Platelets? - 3 Causes for Low Blood Platelets

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