Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stand Ep26 Part 2 of 2 "Addis Prayer"

Stand Ep26 Part 2 of 2 "Addis Prayer" Tube. Duration : 1.22 Mins.

Make sure you read part 1! Part 2 of 2 In the video pretend the girl is Addi with all her friends. All these pictures are of Boey Byers except the ones with miley Dear God, I know ill see you soon but I wanted to say one last prayer. Please help all the kids and grown ups out there with cancer. Help them to survive it. Please dont let ms. Mileys leukemia come back. Shes been through so much. I dont want her to die like I am. And please make sure nick keeps his promise to love her forever. She needs him more then anyone. Now that I cant be here to tell her things and make sure shes okay or happy I want nick to stay by her side. Please dont let her suffer anymore. Please watch over my family and friends. Oh and please take care of demi and selena too, their like my sisters also. I think it would be cool if one day all three girls married all three brothers. That would be nice. I want to thank you for letting me stay this long, even though it feels like it wasnt long enough. I hope I can still remember stuff in heaven. I dont want to forget everyone and everything. Even though some of those memories werent the best memories you still kept me strong and id always pray for things to get better. And god? Is that guardian angel thing true? Does everyone have one? Because if it is I want to be mileys. I wish I could tell everyone one last time how much I love them for all their support, but my throat feels so swollen that I cant even say anything. And my eye lids feel so heavy ...

Keywords: stand, niley, story

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