There are all the time things we can do to sell out the risks of getting certain diseases. If your house history already has occurrences of leukemia in it then taking precautions is a wise step. Read on to see what things can increase your chances to covenant this disease.
Doctors are still not sure of all the causes for leukemia, but there is a consensus on what factors will increase your chances to exacerbate this disease.
What Is Leukemia
These are three common risk factors connected with leukemia
Smoking or Tobacco - the dangers of these toxins are clearly stated on the sides of the cigarette packages. It hasn't dampened the sales of this goods and the health damage is well known.
Chemical Exposure - such as benzene and formaldehyde. This could have been over a period of time causing chronic cases that exterior after years of exposure.
Infection - one type of infection is a form of Hiv called Htlv-1. This virus infects T-Cells, atype of white blood cell. Ordinarily contracted straight through needles, blood transfusions, sexual caress or breast feeding.
This type of cancer is contracted when your bone marrow starts over producing the white cells which are the fighter cells. These white cells can also be mutated or malfunctioning cells, in whether case they cause havoc for you system.
If you read the book "Cell Talk" you will observe that the 7 trillion cells that reside in your body have a communication system. They have their own way of talking so the way you think and feel is transmitted to and straight through the. This opens the door for alternative treatments and other options for hope.
There is no doubt this health is serious, but you can seriously combat leukemia with complementary options.
3 Things That growth Your Risk of Getting Leukemia
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