Tuesday, April 3, 2012

XMRV Lecture Segment 6: Virus life cycle, immune modulation drugs

XMRV Lecture Segment 6: Virus life cycle, immune modulation drugs Video Clips. Duration : 7.18 Mins.

Dr Nancy Klimas lecture & slide presentation: XMRV CFS/ME & You. A compelling and comprehensive review of the disease, the XMRV virus discussed in detail and what lies ahead. Even the most knowledgeable in attendance gained new insights into their illness and the prospect of a new road to recovery. A particularly interesting Q&A session follows the formal presentation. The two hour session garnered rave reviews from the 150 people lucky enough to attend. It is a MUST SEE video for all afflicted with or affected by ME/CFS. Most of the video was made in near dark conditions to accommodate the slide presentation. It has been tightly edited down to 83 minutes and divided into 12 segments for easy, and repeated, viewing. Segment 1: Background, overlapping conditions, viruses Segment 2: Viruses & CFS/ME, WPI & XMRV Segment 3: XMRV, NK & T cells, latent & retro viruses Segment 4: Retro viruses, Biomarker Segment 5: Antibodies, what we dont know, cancer Segment 6: Virus life cycle, immune modulation drugs Segment 7: Whats next in research Segment 8: Research funding & advocacy Segment 9: Testing for XMRV, Q&A: Antibodies Segment 10: Q&A: Drug timeline, U of M clinic & studies Segment 11: Q&A: Morton Fund, Taking care of yourself Segment 12: Q&A: The new Miami CFS clinic

Tags: Segment 6, Nancy Klimas, XMRV, WPI, ME, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuroendocrineimmmune, neuroimmune, fatigue, pain chronic illness, advocacy, treatment, research, NIH, CDC

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