Monday, April 30, 2012

The Crossing (1994) Part 3

The Crossing (1994) Part 3 Tube. Duration : 10.00 Mins.

This is an excellent evangelistic film about a young man who comes back from the dead to show his friend the great love of Christ and truth about the cross. This film has one great scene in it which shows what Christ did with our sins when He died. Very visual! A good cast and production makes this movie one of the best. Featuring: Kevin Downes, David White Director: John Schmidt Producer: John Schmidt, Bill Muir Distributor: Creative Youth Resources Not many teens can relate to the death of a close friend or family member. When you're young it's easy to think you're invincible or that, at least, death is far away. But with what high-schooler Jason Reynolds (Kevin Downes, "The Moment After") has been going through, he is faced with the reality that nothing is permanent. His best friend Matt (played by David White of "Mercy Streets") dies one day after battling leukemia. But just before his death he leaves a cryptic note for Jason: "don't forget my Friend's love". The pieces of the puzzle fall together for Jason as he is taken on a strange journey. First he visits a place where each sin every person ever commits is recorded for use in the courtroom (tallied by computer and printed on dot-matrix printers, no less). In a courtroom he visits next the eternal fate of each person is decided upon: life with God in heaven or eternal separation? (Effectively dispelling the notion that good works are enough to get you to heaven.) This scene, and the scene following where Jesus is ...

Tags: The Crossing, Crossing, The Crossing Part 3, The Crossing 1994, John Schmidt

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tuesday's With Todd 9-21-10 & No Comply Tryouts Info

Tuesday's With Todd 9-21-10 & No Comply Tryouts Info Tube. Duration : 5.35 Mins.

Got the date wrong in the video....what a But yeah, No Comply Tryouts info is in here. Congrats to allys0nn for winning this weeks drawing. Next drawing is a random deck, or that Yoda deck, winners choice. ;o) Important notes about tryout videos. MUST be titled No Comply Tryout Fall 2010 nothing more/nothing less. Also, must be ALL new footage. No exceptions. Questions, get at me. Finally, the background music is in honor of Rich Cronin, an amazingly talented artist, who passed Sept. 8th, after a 5 year fight with Leukemia. The song is Story Of My Life. link thanks for the continued support!

Keywords: No Comply Fingerboards, Tryout, Push, Pop Factory, jibba jabba, pitty tha foo, Shade Drop

Saturday, April 28, 2012

25 condition Benefits of Cinnamon - A Miraculous Spice

Cinnamon is one of the world's oldest known spices. The tree is native to Sri Lanka where it was found thousands of years ago. It is the best spice available in terms of its food and health. It contains unique salutary and medical asset comes from the active components in the considerable oils found in its bark. Cinnamon has highly high anti-oxidant activity due to which it has numerous condition benefits. Aside from being used as a rehabilitation by other cultures since antique times, the condition benefits may also come from eating it which can be listed as follows:

1. Lowers Cholesterol:
Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon included in a daily diet can lower cholesterol.
Also Cinnamon may significantly lower Ldl "bad" cholesterol, and triglycerides (fatty acids in the blood) and total cholesterol.

What Is Leukemia

2. Reduces blood sugar levels and treating Type 2 Diabetes:
Several studies have shown improved insulin sensitivity and blood glucose operate by taking as slight as ½ teaspoon of cinnamon per day. Improving insulin resistance can help in weight operate as well as decreasing the risk for heart disease.

3. Heart Disease:
Cinnamon strengthens the cardiovascular system thereby shielding the body from heart linked disorders. It is believed that the calcium and fiber gift in cinnamon provides security against heart diseases.

Including a slight cinnamon in the food helps those suffering from coronary artery disease and high blood pressure.

4. Fights Cancer :
A study released by researchers at the U.S. Group of Agriculture in Maryland showed that cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

Besides, the compound of calcium and fiber found in Cinnamon can help to remove bile, which prevents damage to colon cells, thus prevents colon cancer.

5. Tooth decay and mouth freshener:
Cinnamon has traditionally been used to treat toothache and fight bad breath. Small pieces of cinnamon can be chewed, or gargled with cinnamon water which serves as a good mouth freshener.

6. Cures Respiratory Problems:
Cinnamon is very beneficial home remedy for tasteless or severe colds. A man suffering should take one tablespoon of honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most continuing cough, cold and clear the sinuses.

Cinnamon also found to cure flu, influenza, sore throat and congestion.

7. Brain Tonic:
Cinnamon boosts the activity of the brain and hence acts as a good brain tonic. It helps in removing nervous tension and memory loss.

Also, studies have shown that smelling cinnamon may boost cognitive function, memory, operation of inevitable tasks and increases one's alertness and concentration.
8. Infections:
Due to its antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and germ-free properties, it is sufficient on external as well as internal infections. Cinnamon has been found to be sufficient in fighting vaginal yeast infections, oral yeast infections, stomach ulcers and head lice.

9. Eases menstruation cycles:
Cinnamon has also been found beneficial for women's condition as it helps in providing relief from menstrual cramping and other feminine discomforts.

10. Birth Control:
Cinnamon also helps in natural birth control. Quarterly consumption of cinnamon after child birth delays menstruation and thus helps in avoiding conception.

11. Breastfeeding:
It is also believed that cinnamon aids in the secretion of breast milk.

12. Reduces Arthritis Pain:
Cinnamon spice contains anti-inflammatory compounds which can be beneficial in reducing pain and inflammation linked with arthritis.

A study conducted at Copenhagen University, where patients were given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning had considerable relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month

13. Digestive Tonic:
Cinnamon should be added to most recipes. Apart from adding flavor to the food, it also aids in digestion. Cinnamon is very sufficient for indigestion, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea and flatulence. It is very helpful in removing gas from the stomach and intestines. It also removes acidity, diarrhea and morning sickness. It is often referred to as a digestive tonic.

14. Reduces Urinary tract infections:
People who eat cinnamon on a Quarterly basis record a lower incidence of urinary tract infections. Cinnamon is diuretic in nature and helps in secretion and removal of urine.

15. Anti clotting Actions:
A compound found in Cinnamon called as cinnamaldehyde has been well-researched for its effects on blood platelets. [Platelets are constituents of blood that are meant to clump together under accident circumstances (like corporal injury) as a way to stop bleeding, but under normal circumstances, they can make the blood flow inadequate if they clump together too much]. The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon helps forestall unwanted clumping of blood platelets.

16. Natural Food Preserver:
When added to food, it prevents bacterial increase and food spoilage, development it a natural food preservative.

17. Headaches and migraine:
Headache due to the exposure to cold wind is effortlessly cured by applying a thin paste of powdered cinnamon mixed in water on the temples & forehead.

18. Pimples and Blackheads:
Cinnamon helps in removing blood impurities. Therefore it is often recommended for pimples.

Also external application of paste of cinnamon powder with a few drops of fresh lemon juice over pimples & black heads would give beneficial result.

19. Thinning of the blood and improves blood circulation:
Cinnamon is a blood thinning agent which also acts to increase circulation. This blood circulation helps significantly in removing pain. Good blood circulation also ensures oxygen furnish to the body cells foremost to higher metabolic activity. You significantly reduce the occasion of getting a heart attack by regularly arresting cinnamon.

20. Toning of tissues:
Considerable anecdotal evidence exists to propose that cinnamon may have the capability to tone and constrict tissues in the body.

21. Muscle and joint pain relief:
Those who eat cinnamon on a Quarterly basis often record that their muscle and joint pain, as well as stiffness, is reduced or even eliminated.

22. Immune System:
Honey and cinnamon paste is good for boosting the immune system, removing Quarterly fatigue and addition the longevity of an individual. It is also known to have anti-aging properties.

23. Itching:
Paste of honey and cinnamon is often used to treat insect bites.

24. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

25. Healing: Cinnamon helps in stopping bleeding. Therefore it facilitates the medical process.

Indeed, cinnamon has several condition benefits as highlighted above that can be used to enhance one's condition and boost one's immune system. This is a great imagine to keep some cinnamon around. Sprinkle it in your tea or coffee, over oatmeal or a sweet potato and, this will do wonders to your health.

[However, there's a word of warning to be taken that over dosage of cinnamon may be unwise. Also it is not recommended for pregnant women.

Also, habitancy who have been prescribed medication to manage their blood sugar should not reduce or desist their dose and take cinnamon instead, especially without consulting your doctor.]

25 condition Benefits of Cinnamon - A Miraculous Spice

Friday, April 27, 2012

Reunion - 1x12 - 1997 part 4

Reunion - 1x12 - 1997 part 4 Video Clips. Duration : 10.02 Mins.

After Pascale left Aaron, it seems Jenna moved in to help take care of Chloe and Noelle. When Pascale comes back and wants custody, a court battle ensues. Through the trial we become aware that while Jenna was living with Aaron, their relationship was not totally platonic. Meanwhile Carla is at the hospital with Peter, who is sick with leukemia. The doctor informs them that the chemo is not working as well as they had hoped, but in some cases a bone marrow treatment can be quite affective. Carla meets with a medical claims offer who explains bone marrow treatment is not affective. However he insinuates that if Carla were to sleep with him, he could find a way to get her the money. Carla is thoroughly disgusted and calls Aaron to ask for money. Aaron says his assets have been frozen due to Pascale's suit. Carla finally decides giving the claims officer what he wants may be the only way to save her husband. Contemplating what she is about to do, Carla receives a call from Aaron saying his assets are unfrozen and he has money they can borrow. Finally, Will learns the truth about Amy.

Keywords: fox, reunion, 1997, 1x12, best, friends, murdered, Amanda, Righett, Chyler, Leigh, Dave, Annable, Sean, Faris, Will, Estes, Alexa, Davalos, TV

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lymph Nodes Cancer

Lymph node cancer or lymphoma is a cancer that accounts for roughly five percent of all cancers. It predominantly effects males but is not exclusive to men. Those most at risk are between the ages of fifteen and thirty four and those over the age of fifty-four. This does not mean that whatever covering of this age range is not at risk but statistically it does seem to fall inside those age groups at a greater rate. Like all other cancers, early detection and rehabilitation is the key to a greater occasion of recovery.

Hodgkins Disease is a form of lymph node cancer but is rare in its occurrence. It also statistically effects mostly men between the ages of fifteen and thirty-four and men over the age of fifty-four but is not exclusive to men only. Some of the most coarse symptoms of Hodgkins Disease are night sweats, unexplained wight loss, constant fatigue and unexplained fever. If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms it is wise to have yourself examined by a physician as these also could be the symptoms of someone else disorder.

What Is Leukemia

All other remaining types of lymph node cancer are known as non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The majority of lymph node cancers treated are of the non-Hodgkins type. The symptoms of non-Hodgkins lymphoma are the same as Hodgkins Disease. Night sweats, unexplained fever, persisting fatigue and unexplained weight loss.Lymph node cancer is also known as lymphatic cancer. Those with a family history of lymph node cancer statistically fall within a higher risk group of contracting the disease. This is true for both men and women.

Lymph node cancer is a type of cancer that involves the lymphatic system. The lymphatic ideas is an integral part of the bodies immune system. Statistically, the occurrence of lymph node cancer has increased roughly seventy-five percent since nineteen-seventy-three in the United States. Investigate has revealed that roughly one in fifty-two men and one in sixty-one women in the United States will contract non Hodgkin lymphoma within their lifetime. Studies have indicated that a greater exposure to herbicides and pesticides is greatly responsible for this increase.

Lymph node cancer is curable and if detected early and with productive rehabilitation a man with lymph node cancer has a greater occasion than ever before of being cured of this disease and if cured can expect to live a long and normal life. Many new and innovative treatments for lymph node cancer have been developed and are now available. The healing society has a greater insight of lymph node cancer than in years past. Treatments that were once experimental and have been found to be productive are now being used to treat and cure lymph node cancer.

As a man ages it is to be predicted that he or she will encounter healing challenges, it is part of the aging process. Lymph node cancer might be one of those challenges you encounter in your life's journey. How soundly these challenges are defeated depends greatly on how you coming them. A fighting spirit has been proven time and again to be a powerful weapon to have in your arsenal when battling cancers of all types. Accepting defeat in any challenge roughly guarantees defeat. The will to fight and live on has carried so many cancer survivors to victory over the disease.

Lymph Nodes Cancer

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Radiation Danger to Cells 1963

Radiation Danger to Cells 1963 Tube. Duration : 1.07 Mins.

A basic look at the danger of radiation to cells. However, this clip only looks at the acute effects which were apparent from the outset. Too much x-radiation caused recurrent reddening of the skin or loss of hair, hours or days later, often followed by painful radiation burns. By 1897, 69 cases of skin damage were reported. By 1902, hundreds of cases of x-ray injuries were documented. Surgery was often needed to repair the damage. Radiation burns which had apparently healed often developed into cancers later on. By 1922 that more than 100 early radiologists had died of occupationally produced cancers. In the 20-year period before 1949, radiologists also suffered an incidence of leukemia nine times the normal rate. In the late 1920s, researchers discovered another kind of biological effect from ionizing radiation: damage to genes and chromosomes. Some of this damaged genetic material may be transmitted to future generations. Go to for more information on health effects from radiation exposure. This was clipped from the 1963 film, About Fallout, from the US Department of Defense, Office of Civil Defense. The entire film is available at the Internet Archives.

Keywords: radiation, radioactive, atomic, nuclear, health, effects, hazards, cell, OSHA, DOE, NIEHS, hazwoper

Monday, April 23, 2012

What Are The Types of Skin Fungal Infections Part 2?

What Are The Types of Skin Fungal Infections Part 2? Video Clips. Duration : 8.72 Mins. Jock itch is commonly seen in boys and men whose anatomy allows for a warm, moist environment which is ideal for fungal growth: * Often itchy and occurs in the groin creases (the scrotum is rarely affected), although it may spread to the upper inner thigh, buttocks and sometimes the lower abdomen. More common in warm climates. * Shows as a red-brown scaly rash, sometimes with small blisters or pustules at the edge. * At times the skin may show a thickened appearance(lichenification) from rubbing and chronic scratching. Ringworm (Tinea corporis) Ringworm causes red scaly patches that are typically ring-shaped. It generally appear on the upper body, or the hands and feet. Beware that ringworm is sometimes inadvertently treated with topical cortisone creams, which change the appearance of the rash and may worsen the condition. You are at risk for ringworm if you: * have a suppressed immune system * play contact sports or recreational activities * are the child of parents who have a fungal skin infection. * are genetically-predisposed to this type of infection. Note that an uncommon but important variant is a condition known as Majocchi granuloma, which is a collection of small bumps or granulomas that can sometimes become warty-looking. This occurs when women shave their legs and the fungus becomes implanted in and around the hair follicle.

Tags: Candidal skin infections, Relieve yeast infection, Relief bladder infection, Candidal organisms, Ringworm, Tinea Versicolor, Bacterial skin infections, Fungal skin growths, Fungal skin irritation, Skin fungus, Yeast Infection, Yeast Infection Skin, Athlete's Foot, Candidiasis Yeast Infection, Ellagica, Candida, Fungal Infections, HIV infection, AIDS, Chemotherapy, Diabetes, Leukemia, Solutions

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Getting her port accessed.

Getting her port accessed. Tube. Duration : 1.18 Mins.

This is a video of Kayla getting her port accessed. She is calm, and just goes with the flow. So brave.

Tags: getting port accessed, chemo, child, leukemia treatment

Friday, April 20, 2012

Face Bleaching Tips - How to choose the Best Facial Bleaching Cream For Whitening Skin at Home?

In order to flaunt a fine skin you should achieve bleaching. Face bleaching enhances your look by reducing blemishes. Most citizen carry out this face lightening process to look good and provocative but it is all the time advisable to know about the ingredients ready in the bleaching substance. Most of the creams comprise hydroquinone, mercury and steroids, which should be fully avoided in order to preclude deadly disease such as leukemia, liver damage and thyroid problems.

Face bleaching is very leading for diminishing age and liver spots, blemishes, hyper pigmentation and freckles. It is all the time advisable to use natural bleaching substances for attaining flawless skin tone. Some citizen also feel laser treatments for diminishing those fine lines which can also be harmful for the health of your membrane.

What Is Leukemia

How to pick the Best Facial Bleaching Cream?

* One should be very rigorous while choosing bleaching creams because most of them comprise harmful chemicals, which can cause damage to your body in future. It is all the time advisable to buy nature-based products for a safe treatment. One should read its ingredients before purchase. The nearnessy of deadly ingredients such as Hydroquinone, mercury and steroids can be dangerous for your skin. You should avoid creams containing these ingredients.

* You should know the type of skin you are carrying before pure purchasing a skin whitening cream. You can even consult a beautician for guidance.

* One of the most effective skin lightning cream is Meladerm, which claims to diminish age spots and membrane discolorations in 2 weeks. This product contains nature-based ingredients such as lemon juice extract, mulberry passage etc., which can fully rejuvenate, exfoliate and nourish your skin tone. The best part of this product is that it doesn't comprise Hydroquinone. You can beyond doubt use this cream from the ease and convenience of your home for treating various membrane complications such as freckles, age spots, birth marks, liver spots, wrinkles, hyper pigmentation, brown patches and dark circles. This cream inhibits the output of melanin in our body, which consequently lightens our skin.

Face Bleaching Tips - How to choose the Best Facial Bleaching Cream For Whitening Skin at Home?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


CSWSforLLS.m4v Video Clips. Duration : 6.48 Mins.

Team CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP for LLS is campaigning for Betsy Sears as Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Woman of the Year 2012! We'd like you to take five minutes and think. Think about anyone you've known that has battled cancer, that has supported someone fighting cancer, that as lost a loved one to cancer, that has beat cancer. Write down all of the names of the people you know that have been affected by cancer in some way - whether it was their own personal experience, a friend, family member, coworker. Count the number of people on your list. Team CSWS for LLS's number is 93. What's your number? Our goal, and the goal of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, is to make everyone's number ZERO. Every dollar raised brings us one step closer to achieving that goal. Please help us lower our number and yours by donating to our campaign at and click on Betsy Sears. The Man & Woman of the year campaign runs from March 5 - May 10, and each dollar raised during the 10-week campaign period translates to one vote for our team. Our team's goal is to raise 000 during those 10 weeks. There are numerous ways you can help! Donate online: and click the "Betsy Sears" donation link OR Write a check to the Leukemia & Lypmhoma Society and send it to 1372 Opal Street, San Diego, CA with Betsy Sears in the memo line OR Simply pass along our story and spread the word about Team CSWS for LLS!

Keywords: Leukemia, Lymphoma, Society, Betsy, Sears, Woman, of, the, Year, Donate, Now, LLS

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cayenne Pepper and Heart condition - Is Cayenne a Cure For Heart Disease?

Cayenne pepper is one of the most marvelous and beneficial herbs known to mankind, but unfortunately very few know of its efficacy. Cayenne pepper and heart health should be synonymous for anyone with heart disease or cardiovascular issues but it is not. Due to the power and might of Big Pharma and their unholy alliance with the United States government, many Americans are plainly unaware of natural herbs that can dramatically improve their heart health.

"If this is true, then why haven't the masses heard of it?" you may ask. A fair question. In a word, money. beyond doubt billions of dollars have been spent on heart disease care and research, not to mention the billions on pharmaceutical drugs fighting cholesterol.

What Is Leukemia

In fact, the number-one-selling drug in the Us is Lipitor -- ostensibly sold to sell out cholesterol and by extension heart disease. Cayenne could eliminate all that and that is why the curative establishment doesn't want habitancy to know about it.

Before discussing the benefits of cayenne pepper and heart health however, let's reconsider the supervene of the billions that have been "invested" in the name of curing heart disease for if there is one fundamental criterion by which government and curative institutional spending should be judged, it should be by the results.

According to a May 25th, 2006 article by the Bbc, heart disease is the biggest killer in the United Kingdom. Over the pond in the United States, the National Heart Foundation says, "Coronary heart disease is the single greatest cause of death for both men and women in the Us, eclipsing all other causes, including cancer and lung diseases. Every year more than 479,000 Americans die of coronary heart disease."

Clearly, the current allopathic (traditional Western medicine) arrival is lacking.

The unholy collusion between government, pharmaceutical interests and institutional medicine, with its marvelous financial influence, pervades nearly every facet of society. Homeopathic medicine is not only derided but persecuted and even criminalized while allopathic medicine is deified as the only way to health.

In reality, the joining of the best of allopathic and homeopathic interventions would be ideal, but for that to happen, results would have to be the final arbiter as to an intervention's effectiveness, not corporate and governmental interests.

Background Info

So, what is cayenne? You probably recognize its name as a potent condiment often used in cooking, but its value lies well beyond its culinary uses. It is an herb that is nothing short of amazing.

It is a multi-talented herb that is also known, although obliquely so, as African red pepper, American red pepper, Spanish pepper, capsicum, and bird pepper. Cayenne is derived from two connected plants. Specifically, the American variety (Capsicum minimum) is marvelous from its African counterpart the African birdseye cayenne (Capsicum fastigiatum) although both are extremely beneficial to man. The African birdseye cayenne is the most pungent with small, yellowish red pods while the American variety is marvelous with its herb-sized plants and larger fruit or pods.

The food value of cayenne is known, of course, but its real value is as a medicinal and nutritional herb. Its curative uses include using it for wounds, heart disease, heart attacks, heart problems at large, ulcers, congestion, colds, chills, bleeding of the lungs, neuralgia, lumbago, hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, high and low blood pressure, indigestion, and kidney and connected problems. (This is by no means a uncut list as to the herb's effectiveness.)

Cayenne is a stimulant and as such is an activator, carrier, and accentuator to other herbs as well. Still, it can and should be used by itself. Let's discuss now some of those ancillary uses before we talk in depth about capsicum and heart health.

Cayenne pepper anti-fungal properties are tangible although this is not its former health benefit. It has been shown in some studies to be active against collectotrichum and phomopsis, both of which are fungal pathogens. These foremost fungal pathogens affect strawberries and other fruits and are not directly connected to humans per se.

However, cayenne immune principles benefits are of interest to researchers. Currently, it is being studied by many nutritional supplement fellowships for its therapeutic and nutritional benefits. If you desire a natural anti-fungal aid, garlic is favorite over cayenne for garlic has long been known for its anti-fungal properties. (In Russia, it has long been called "the Russian penicillin.")

Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Capsicum increases metabolism by immediately influencing the venous structure. It is marvelous with its immediate effects on the circulatory principles as it feeds the vital elements into the cell buildings of capillaries, veins, arteries and helps adjust blood pressure to general levels. Yes, cayenne pepper for high blood pressure is beyond doubt one of its core uses, but it cleans the arteries as well.

It also stimulates the peristaltic motion of the intestines and aids in assimilation and elimination. When taken internally, it warms the body and has even been used by some herbalist doctors to help severe frostbite as cayenne not only facilitates the curative of the flesh but it helps rebuild tissue as well.

Notwithstanding its hot taste, it is superb for rebuilding the tissue in the stomach for it beyond doubt facilitates rapid curative with stomach and intestinal ulcers. Capsicum for ulcers is not something most would have considered due to its native calidity but the author can testify to this aspect of this wonder herb.

Its Dramatic Effects

Dr. John Christopher, the famed natural herbalist, was persecuted relentlessly by the government while assisting patients in curing cancer, heart disease, pleurisy, tuberculosis, infertility, rheumatism, leukemia, and other maladies. One of his greatest stories in his long vocation was how he could instantly stop a heart charge if he could get the inpatient to drink a glass of warm cayenne water. In his writings, he said, "A teaspoon of cayenne should bring the inpatient out of the heart attack."

(While this is not directly connected to heart health, with internal hemorrhaging, if the inpatient can drink a glass of extra warm water with cayenne, Dr. Christopher wrote, " the count of ten the bleeding will stop. Instead of all the pressure being centralized, it is equalized and the clotting becomes more rapid.")

Perhaps now you can see why cayenne is regarded as a "miracle herb." With over 700,000 Americans experiencing a stroke each year and roughly half a million dying of heart disease, the cure to a salutary heart is as close as your local grocery store. The cayenne detoxification drink, when taken religiously, will dramatically improve your heart health as well as your venous structure.

Side Effects of Cayenne Pepper

What are the side effects of cayenne pepper? What are its bad points? Well, it is beyond doubt hot to the taste. Drinking what the author calls the cayenne detoxification drink is not for the faint of heart (on second notion perhaps it is!). When starting to drink the cayenne pepper detoxification drink, it tends to come out of the body's orifices with a burning sensation.

Not to worry, though. It is very beneficial. In fact, capsicum will help clear up hemorrhoids if taken commonly -- especially if the hemorrhoid sufferer changes their diet to one more rich in fiber.

To mitigate its heat, the author suggests starting with just a half a teaspoon of cayenne in a glass of eight ounces of lukewarm water (or even less if desired). Have an additional one glass of just water nearby as drinking cold water after the cayenne drink will help mitigate the calidity of the drink's after effects. Yes, you can take it in capsule form but its effects won't be immediate the way it would be by direct application.

There are also some who propose combining lemon water and cayenne for fast metabolism. (There are also some who think that a mixture of cayenne lemon fat burn facilitates adipose loss. That is debatable, but drinking a concoction of lemon water and cayenne for fast metabolism is beyond doubt more palatable.)

Drinking the capsicum detoxification drink daily will furnish noticeable benefits, and the body will acclimate very quickly to its native heat. Within a month or two, you will be able to drink a tablespoon of capsicum without too much discomfort.

Yes, you could go on a cayenne fruit diet, but drinking it is easier and more convenient. One last comment: no important side effects have been reported. Of course, taking too much of anyone is not healthy, a qoute never beyond doubt attributed to cayenne due to its heat. In terms of health side effects, there are none. As with all things, though, use with discretion and wisdom.


If you are involved about your heart health, or if you are suffering from heart ailments, cayenne should be a daily staple in your diet. This unbelievable herb is a wonder and can tremendously affect your health. Cayenne is one of the greatest health secrets in the world.

Cayenne beyond doubt is a great condiment, used with panache by great cooks and chefs, but its true value lies in its medicinal qualities. Moderately and surely, its marvelous benefits are gaining awareness by a communal becoming increasingly disenchanted by former medicine's non-causal approach. perhaps now you can see why cayenne is a prince among herbs.

Cayenne Pepper and Heart condition - Is Cayenne a Cure For Heart Disease?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lighten Dark Inner Thighs - Top Skin Bleach & Lightening Creams For Thighs & underground Area

In order to lighten dark inner thighs we should use safe and nature-based techniques. The accumulation of Melanin in our body causes darkness. Skin darkening causes embarrassment and discomfort. There are various complications such as freckles, age spots, hyper pigmentation, acne marks, birthmarks, uneven skin tones etc. They are mostly caused by excess exposure to sunlight, aging, friction, medications and friction.

Hydroquinone is one of the most productive bleaching agents but one should thoroughly avoid its usage. Hydroquinone can genuinely cause leukemia, thyroid disorders and liver damage. There are other harmful constituents such as mercury and steroids.

What Is Leukemia

Home Remedies to lighten dark Inner Thighs

* You should normally cleanse and moisturize the affected areas daily in order to get rid of marks. You can use apricot scrub for rejuvenating your thighs.

* A good sunscreen lotion is extremely foremost for protecting yourself from the angry glare of sun. It should have high Spf (Sun protection factor). It is advisable to wear sunglasses for preventing harsh sun rays.

* Drinking enough water is extremely foremost for preventing the appearance of hyper pigmentation, liver spots, acne marks, birthmarks etc. You should at least drink 10-12 glasses of water daily. Water keeps your digestive tract clean and prevents constipation.

* You should contain lots of high fibrous foods in your diet such as fruits and vegetables. They contain lots of anti-oxidants, which can genuinely flush out toxins from your body.

* A wholesome lifestyle is extremely foremost for flaunting a wholesome skin. You should sleep at least 8 hours daily and achieve cardio workouts such as running, swimming or walking daily.

Top skin bleach and lightening creams

Fem Bleaching Cream is carefully to be a versatile whitening cream which not only helps in lightening your inner thighs but also provides glow to your skin. You can even apply this cream for lightening your hair. It is a nature-based cream which lacks side effects.

Meladerm is an productive pigment reducing cream which claims to diminish dark spots and skin discolorations in 2 weeks. This cream comes from the house of Civant Skin Care. The goods is safe and effective. This goods contains genuinely no Hydroquinone, mercury and steroids. In order to lighten your inner thighs, one should apply nature-based ingredients such as Alpha Arbutin, Niacinamide, Mulberry extract, Bearberry extract, Licorice Extract, Lemon Juice Extract, Emblica Powder, Kojic Acid, lactic acid and glycolic acid. The above ingredients are gift in Meladerm.

Lighten Dark Inner Thighs - Top Skin Bleach & Lightening Creams For Thighs & underground Area

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fame ep 3x17 Sheer Will pt 1

Fame ep 3x17 Sheer Will pt 1 Video Clips. Duration : 9.62 Mins.

Original Air Date: March 18, 1984. The kids discover Danny has leukemia, and they try to help him make the decision to fight it.

Tags: Fame, TV, series, episode

Friday, April 13, 2012

Barrie Trower Cell Phone Tower Radiation Dangers Deception Part 3

Barrie Trower Cell Phone Tower Radiation Dangers Deception Part 3 Tube. Duration : 9.90 Mins. Tetra has a possible outlet of 32 Countries and 52 organisations within this Country, at present. It must be stopped until there is a full judicial and public hearing into every aspect of this industry. Not as in "Hansard" where the Minister in response to questions say's "It is within Government guidelines". Which is based only on how warm you get and even then it is wrong. Somebody, somewhere, must stop what could be the biggest cause of illness around the World since the plague. This must go public without fear/prejudice from those in a position of power. The evidence is already to hand and proof can be obtained experimentally. In a few days. I will do it. It is time that the intelligence of the general public was recognised and their wishes were respected. As opposed to Governmental pressure from an intimate relationship with Industrial Power/ Money, on planners. Latest reports 11 children leaving a school (sick) in Sussex. 11 Leukemia and 3 motor neuron diseases around a tetra mast in East Fife. 90 illness's in Dersley around a new Tetra mast. Sadly, in each case, neither the police nor Industry could attend the MP's 'call' for a meeting. Only I turned up! How much confidence does that instill in everybody? Barrie Trower

Keywords: Barrie, Trower, Cell, Phone, Tower, Radiation, Dangers, Deception

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Riz Khan - Living with leukaemia - 27 May 08 -Part 1

Riz Khan - Living with leukaemia - 27 May 08 -Part 1 Tube. Duration : 12.90 Mins.

He has been told he has only weeks or months left to live. Suffering from leukaemia, Adrian Sudbury has made it his mission to educate people on what it is like to be a bone marrow donor. He says there are many misconceptions about the procedure and that more people could be saved if the facts were known. After the 26-year-old patient was told he has a low survival chance he opted against taking further treatment. His online account of each step in his fight against leukaemia called Baldy's Blog includes very personal descriptions of his experiences. He is joined on the show by Dr Jeffrey Chell, the CEO of the US National Marrow Donor Programme, which links patients with donors worldwide. Leukaemia is caused by a mutation in a cell of the bone marrow and is one of the deadliest forms of cancer.

Keywords: Al, Jazeera, English, Riz, Khan, Adrian, Sudbury, leukaemia, Baldy's, blog, Dr, Jeffrey, Chell, bone, marrow

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ME patient with Cancer demands proper funding and respect.

ME patient with Cancer demands proper funding and respect. Video Clips. Duration : 5.25 Mins.

Why is there still no significant funding despite ME patients dying for decades under the joke label of CFS? CBT to 'cure' ME is an insult, dangerous and in some cases, FATAL. What on earth is the CDC and NIH doing? ACT NOW.

Tags: 2011, Cheryl, Marshall, CFSAC, XMRV, Virus, CFS, Chronic, Fatigue, Syndrome, Testimony, Advisory, Committee, Meeting, HHS, ME

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Malaysians Against Lynas RARE EARTH Refinery - a Lady

Malaysians Against Lynas RARE EARTH Refinery - a Lady Video Clips. Duration : 1.28 Mins.

Please follow & share the local news in Rare Earth Headlines! album: we, Malaysians strongly against Lynas now ! What is Kuantan Lynas RARE EARTH Refinery and why are we against them? Lynas, an Australia company is building (target completion end-2011) a rare earth processing plant in Gebeng, Kuantan. The plant is likely to cause severe damages to environment and may leave behind cancer causing waste products. The raw material will be imported from Australia and output will be exported to oversea. The byproducts, waste left behind is slightly radioactive, and could potentially bring substantial damage to the environment and the health of the local community (which may include Kuantan, Chukai, Kemaman or Pekan). Kuantan, and people of Pahang receive NO BENEFIT from the project (project has tax holiday for 12 years, require minimal labour), and what we get is a unwanted refinery (no one in the world want this - in fact, no rare earth refinery had been built outside China for the last 30 years, as it is highly damaging to environment and potentially cancer causing). Malaysia's last rare earth refinery in Bukit Merah was closed in 1992, after receiving numerous protests, often violent from local community who claim that the plant had resulted to increase in leukemia and birth defects. If we don't do anything, the project will go thru, and we can only blame ourselves for inaction should something unfortunately happen to us, our family in the future as a result ...

Keywords: rare, earth, lynas, stop, malaysia, kuantan, gebeng, thorium, uranium, radioactive, lathenine, Australia, cheat, lie, news, south, east, asian, protests

Monday, April 9, 2012

Home Remedies For Skin Lightening - Natural Ways to Whiten Skin & Treat Hyper Pigmentation Revealed

White skin epitomizes beauty and elegance. Human color ranges from black to colorless and the irony is that everybody wants to flaunt a lighter tone. There are various techniques for attaining a gorgeous appearance but it is always advisable to take up nature based products and techniques for bleaching your skin. Most population perform wrong methods such as laser treatments for lightening their pelt which can be extremely perilous in the long run. Skin discoloration or dark spots are mostly caused due to excess output of Melanin pigment.

Natural ways to whiten skin and treat hyper pigmentation

What Is Leukemia

* Apply sunscreen before stepping out of your home. It will safe your from harsh sun rays. You should preferably wear sunglasses for protecting your eyes and face from pollutants.

* It is advisable to drink 10-12 glasses of water daily. Water nourishes your skin by hydrating it.

* You should consume high fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables for flushing out toxins from your body, which will consequently treat hyper pigmentation and other complications.

* You should wholly avoid ingredients such as Hydroquinone, mercury and steroids for whitening your skin. They can cause liver damage, leukemia and thyroid problems.

* Home based products such as sandalwood paste, lemon excerpt etc. Can really bleach your skin without damaging your cells.

* Exfoliating once a week is extremely beneficial for discarding dead cells. This process helps in lightening your skin tone with ease. You can really make a paste by mixing oatmeal and brown sugar with some milk. You can gradually scrub, rinse and moisturize your face.

In order to diminish problems like dark discolorations, age spots, sun spots, freckles, sun damage, melasma, acne marks, old scars, birth marks, dark elbows and uneven skin tone, we should hire products containing following ingredients:

* Glycolic Acid
* Kojic Acid
* Lactic Acid
* Emblica Powder
* Lemon Juice Extract
* Bearberry Extract
* Mulberry Extract
* Vitamin B3
* Alpha Arbutin.

These ingredients can really inhibit the output of Melanin. They are the safe alternatives for Hydroquinone, mercury and steroids.

Home Remedies For Skin Lightening - Natural Ways to Whiten Skin & Treat Hyper Pigmentation Revealed

Saturday, April 7, 2012

New Lymphoma Drug SGN-35 - The Nebraska Medical Center

New Lymphoma Drug SGN-35 - The Nebraska Medical Center Video Clips. Duration : 4.53 Mins.

"This is really a breakthrough in that we finally have something to treat these really difficult to treat patients." The FDA approved SGN-35 as a treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma in August 2011. It is the first FDA-approved Hodgkin's treatment since 1977. The drug is also used to treat other rare types of lymphoma such as t-cell non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The drug is mono-clonal antibody which attacks a protein on the surface of a lymphoma cell. It seeks out the cancer cell directly and spares the normal healthy cells. It is given through the vein once every three weeks. In some cases, SGN-35 can be used to get a patient ready to undergo a stem cell transplant. The Nebraska Medical Center and its education and research partner, the University of Nebraska Medical Center have been international leaders in lymphoma and leukemia treatment and research for decades, in many cases pioneering treatments used around the world. As one of the medical centers involved in the clinical trials of SGN-35, the medical center's team has experience with this new treatment. For more information about the hematology/oncology program at The Nebraska Medical Center, visit or call 1-800-922-0000.

Keywords: Nebraska, Medical, Center, cancer, oncology, hematology, lymphoma, cell, Hodgkins, Hodgkin's, non-hodgkin's, health, new, therapy, Pharmaceutical drug, Health care, doctor, Physician, pain, treatment, UNMC, cure, Omaha, t-cell, SGN-35, Brentuximab, vedotin, CD30, cd-30, SGN35, clinical, trial, seattle, genetics, medicine, patient, education, research, alternative, stem, bone, marrow, transplant, BMT, chemotherapy, protein, chemo, side, effects, affects

Friday, April 6, 2012

s1e3 In The Blink Of An Eye part 3

s1e3 In The Blink Of An Eye part 3 Tube. Duration : 10.02 Mins.

Annie continues to suffer through her mother's recent leukemia diagnosis. Annie then decides to go to Arizona to visit them and see what is going on with them. Meanwhile, Eric volunteers for a charity work, but he's unable to do it at the last minute. Matt then volunteers to do it, but his dating habits get him into trouble with the organization he is doing charity for. Also, Mary decides to call it a quits with Jeff while Lucy has her first real date with her classmate Jimmy Moon. Lastly, when Annie returns home with her parents, they decide to stay with her and the rest of the family so that they could spend some more time with them---which unfortunately will be the last for Annie's mom, Jenny.

Keywords: 7th, heaven, s1e3, camdens, brenda, hampton, aaron, spelling, in, the, blink, of, an, eye

The Pregnancy Path S1 Ep.17 [Were Over!]

The Pregnancy Path S1 Ep.17 [Were Over!] Video Clips. Duration : 4.53 Mins.

so it's about time i upload right? a few reasons why i havent uploaded : !-my 6 month old cousin got diagnosed with leukemia so my family's going through a hard time,but she's going to be okay. 2-this 1st strike of mine has scared me to upload so thats why only the intro has music. oh yeah! new intro! how you like it?! i like it.just sorry for the quality my computer messed it comment away. only 1 question: what do you think Zack will say to Cody? comment away. 5+.. this episode is dedicated to : mscocokoko for begging me to upload.. hope you like this episode

Keywords: The, Pregnancy, Path, S1, Ep, 17, Were, Over!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Light the Night with Me- Honored Hero Ari 2009

Light the Night with Me- Honored Hero Ari 2009 Video Clips. Duration : 6.92 Mins.

We made this video to take you along Ari's journey battling leukemia. Ari is passionate about making a difference so that no other children have to endure what he has in search of his cure. Join us to make a difference!

Keywords: Leukemia, Light the Night Walk, LLS

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

XMRV Lecture Segment 6: Virus life cycle, immune modulation drugs

XMRV Lecture Segment 6: Virus life cycle, immune modulation drugs Video Clips. Duration : 7.18 Mins.

Dr Nancy Klimas lecture & slide presentation: XMRV CFS/ME & You. A compelling and comprehensive review of the disease, the XMRV virus discussed in detail and what lies ahead. Even the most knowledgeable in attendance gained new insights into their illness and the prospect of a new road to recovery. A particularly interesting Q&A session follows the formal presentation. The two hour session garnered rave reviews from the 150 people lucky enough to attend. It is a MUST SEE video for all afflicted with or affected by ME/CFS. Most of the video was made in near dark conditions to accommodate the slide presentation. It has been tightly edited down to 83 minutes and divided into 12 segments for easy, and repeated, viewing. Segment 1: Background, overlapping conditions, viruses Segment 2: Viruses & CFS/ME, WPI & XMRV Segment 3: XMRV, NK & T cells, latent & retro viruses Segment 4: Retro viruses, Biomarker Segment 5: Antibodies, what we dont know, cancer Segment 6: Virus life cycle, immune modulation drugs Segment 7: Whats next in research Segment 8: Research funding & advocacy Segment 9: Testing for XMRV, Q&A: Antibodies Segment 10: Q&A: Drug timeline, U of M clinic & studies Segment 11: Q&A: Morton Fund, Taking care of yourself Segment 12: Q&A: The new Miami CFS clinic

Tags: Segment 6, Nancy Klimas, XMRV, WPI, ME, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuroendocrineimmmune, neuroimmune, fatigue, pain chronic illness, advocacy, treatment, research, NIH, CDC

Monday, April 2, 2012

Cat's breathing

Cat's breathing Video Clips. Duration : 0.55 Mins.

This is my cat Coby. He was a stray that we took in and the Doc says he is about 4. Well the doc also said he was perfectly healthy. UPDATE Coby is in perfect health (dispite being fed too well) but a vet sent me a message they may help others with cats like this "He seems to have about 30-36 breaths per minute, which is normal for a cat, although at the high end of the normal range. He's also not panting or open-mouth breathing, which is good. If a cat ever pants it's usually a sign of major distress, unless they are doing it while horsing around. Does he ever pant or open-mouth breathe? My impression after watching the video is, assuming his breathing is quiet like it seems, while it is an abnormal breathing pattern (sharp intake, almost as if he's hiccuping), his rate is normal and he seems quite relaxed. Also, there are no audible wheezes, which would be the case if he had asthma. Asthmatic cats cough quite frequently as well, and resort to panting in extreme cases. Since you got him as an adult kitty, I'm guessing perhaps he once had a major trauma, either to his ribs or his lungs. And he's recovered from it, only with a bit of abnormal breathing. It's possible he had bad pneumonia or a collapsed lung at some point, or possibly a broken rib. There are lots of other things that could be causing it as well. But, if he's eating well, maintaining his weight, is happy, and this isn't worsening, then I would not worry too much about it. It helps to know that your vet ...

Keywords: cat, breathing