Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Legacy of Chad Green

The Legacy of Chad Green Video Clips. Duration : 5.37 Mins.

SCITUATE -- Nearly three decades ago, 3-year-old Chad Green died of leukemia in a small apartment in Tijuana, Mexico. His parents had fled there with their son to treat his cancer with laetrile and a special diet, a decision the boy's doctors back in Massachusetts had fought in court. The drug made from apricot pits was thought then by many Americans to be a miracle cure for cancer. It has since been declared ineffective and potentially poisonous, and has been outlawed in the United States. Since her son's death, Diana Green Meyer divorced Chad's father, remarried and raised three children. And in a new book, "Chad's Triumph: The Story of the Life of Chad Green," she tells the story of a mother's deep faith in God as well as the mistakes she made trying to save her son. Among her greatest regrets: the end of the relationship between the family and Dr. John Truman, Chad's pediatric oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. Once fierce opponents -- Truman got a court order to return the boy to the hospital for conventional chemotherapy treatment -- Meyer said she realizes now that they both had Chad's best interests at heart, they just had completely different ideas about how to make him well. During the five years she spent writing the book, Meyer said she tried to find Truman, whom she last saw in 1980 at a Plymouth Superior Court hearing. He is called Dr. Thedman in the book, which will be released Tuesday. The Patriot Ledger found him this week in New York City ...

Tags: ghsvid, ghsnevid, Patriot, Ledger, Quincy, patriotledger

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