Yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida. This happens when there is a disturbance to the internal balance of microorganisms in the body. By recognizing symptoms and causes, we can better understand rehabilitation and prevention.
Types of yeast infection
What Is Leukemia
There are several different types of yeast infection. There are over twenty different species of Candida. Any part of the body that is warm and moist is a likely place for yeast to thrive. In babies, there is diaper rash and thrush.
What are the symptoms
Yeast infection is characterized by itching and burning, particularity at urination. Signs of a vaginal yeast infection are characterized by a white extraction that resembles bungalow cheese. The over increase of yeast irritates the area colse to the vagina, and can be very painful.
Babies can have oral infection called thrush. White patches on the tongue or in the mouth report this. Thrush can cause ultimate hurt in babies, causing them to be restless and fretful. A baby that has thrush should see a doctor for an thorough medication.
Babies and nursing mothers who are taking antibiotics are more susceptible to yeast problems
What causes yeast infection
Taking antibiotics can cause yeast infection by destroying good bacteria and allowing yeast to multiply. A good hot soak in the tub after a days work is a good way to unwind. Just be truthful about putting positive bath products in your water. The perfumes in soaps and hygiene sprays, or toilet paper that is colored or scented can increase your risk of yeast infection.
Frequent douching will also destroy good bacteria and allow an overgrowth of yeast.
It is thought that stress and lack of sleep can also bring on a yeast attack.
Yeast infection seems to increase in frequency as we age.
Under normal circumstances, yeast infection is not dangerous, even though at times it is very uncomfortable and painful. There are several different methods of treatment. There are antifungal medicines in the form of creams, as well as oral medications that are taken by mouth.
There are over the counter products that are quite effective. Drinking cranberry juice and eating yogurt are also good preventive measures.
Chances are you can forestall or limit bouts of yeast infections by being aware of what things brings on an attack.
Avoid overuse of douches, scented hygiene products and wear loose cotton underwear that keeps your skin dry.
Change out of damp clothing as soon as possible. Tight panty hose, leotards and pants can cut off airflow. Limit the time you wear these as much as possible.
Learn to cope stress and get plentifulness of sleep.
If your yeast infection keeps coming back see your doctor. This could be a sign of a serious illness such as leukemia, diabetes, or some other disease.
What is a Yeast Infection? Symptoms and rehabilitation of Yeast Infections
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