Bone Marrow transplantation is a relatively new healing course where stem cells from the bone marrow are taken out and filtered to be given back whether to the same man or other person. Being the main blood cell premise of the body, heart and soul forms a very essential part of human body. It is used to treat several diseases today that were considered to be incurable earlier. Since the first bone marrow transplant that was successfully done in 1968, this course has been used to cure aplastic anemia, leukemia, multiple myeloma, immune deficiency disorders, lymphomas such as Hodgkin's disease, and some solid tumors such as ovarian and breast cancer. Even though thousands of patients endure Bmt each year in the United States itself, more than duplicate the amount of habitancy are not able to get Bmt done due to unavailability of a favorable heart and soul donor.
Now we come to the basic question: why Bmt? In patients with any of the diseases mentioned above, whether a large amount of defective or immature blood cells are produced (in the case of leukemia), or there is an exceedingly low blood count (in the case of aplastic anemia). These defective blood cells obtain in the blood cell and interfere with their function, or even invade other tissues. These abnormal blood cells can be destroyed by large doses of radiation or chemotherapy, which can even destroy normal blood cells in the bone marrow. A bone marrow transplant can be used by the doctors to treat abnormal blood cells with radiation and replace the damaged bone marrow with new one. Even though, Bmt does not guarantee against recurrence of the disease, but can help the sick person enjoy a healthier life for a prolonged period of time.
What Is Leukemia
A transplant of any sorts is accompanied with several complications and is a harrowing palpate to say the least. For a Bmt, a sick person has to be physically and mentally salutary sufficient to endure the rigors of this involved procedure. A battery of tests is conducted before the transplant and then after it to make sure that the body has not been impaired in any way. Vegetable marrow transplant is conducted by an devotee team of doctors and nurses who specialize in this particular procedure. In this case, doctors also need to provide corporeal and psychological preserve to the sick person and his family, before, during and even after the bone marrow transplant.
The Abc of Bone Marrow Transplant
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